Hello guys now i will tell you about this tribe,,
Check this out ...

The name of the tribe of these will be an informal term for
a person who feeds on other people. Is known to is the first in the world who
performs the practice of cannibalism. By sailors commonly called of ' the carib
people of the lesser antilles '. The name is given by columbus crossed in his
note in the name ' caniba ' ( which is another word for kariba which means '
the man who eats people ' ). The tribe of the caribbean is usually do
cannibalism to enemies, but since the entry of the christian religion there,
this cultural slowly faded.

The island of St.Vincent has a mixed population of blacks, Orientals, whites and Caribs. Before the coming of the Europeans and the other races that followed such as the blacks and the Orientals, St.Vincent was settled by Caribs who exists today on the Windward coast of St.Vincent (from Sandy Bay to Fancy) and at Greiggs (see fig 1). The island today has very few pure Caribs, most of them have interbred with the blacks and are now called black Caribs due to the colour of their skin.
Cannibalism was that solution: part error, part bigotry, part religious zeal, part cultural arrogance, but mostlyhuman greed and brilliant political propaganda, it was an answer that made enslavement of native people legally possible for the Conquistadors, and religiously palatable to their Queen and benefactor.
In a nutshell, what seems to have happened was, native groups who aided the Conquistadors and were considered potential converts to Catholicism, took on the label of peaceful Arawaks; native groups who resisted, or who did not advance Spanish goals, were labeled warlike Caribs, and cannibals who deserved enslavement for their sins. A very tidy solution, don't you think?

Soon a second law was written by Queen Isabella, who by the way also invited the inquisition into Spain, which set Spanish slavers free to hunt native Amerindians in sufficient quantities to replace the thousands dieing in Cuban gold mines.