Hello friends Now I will tell you about another tribe in this world. Do you know about the tribe in America??
I'm sure you're just as far as knowing the name alone. But do not understand about the details. Happy reading ^.^
I hope this will increase of your knowledge :D
The American Indians were the first settlers of North America came from Asia more than 20,000 years ago. Because following the game, they wandered through the Bering Strait (formerly the isthmus,
now dividing Asia and North America). Gradually they settled and developed into various tribes. Centuries they build communities regularly. In the 16th century, Europeans arrived in North America for the first time. Thinking arrived in India (Asia), they mistakenly called the natives "Indians". The Europeans wanted the land. Therefore the existence of indigenous people is threatened. The Indians then fought against the settlers. In the 19th century, Indian tribes against the United States government tried to evict them. Through a fierce struggle, the Indians moved to the reserves, a special area for them. Until now, many Indians still live there.
Indian chiefs who led the last resistance to the "white man" is Geronimo (1829-1909) of the Chiricahua Apache tribe. He led the attack to the southwest of the country to Mexico. Eventually he was caught and exiled to Florida. Then he was released and became a renowned national figure.
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Tribes - the Indians of the Great Plains lived in tepee (tent). Tepee made of buffalo skin stretched on a wooden frame that is easy to install. At the top there is a cover that can be opened so that the smoke from the fire could get out.
The native Americans called Indians have a variety of different-different tribes.
Apache Tribe
Apache is the name of the Indians who lived on the American continent. They are a strong and has a powerful war strategy. The tribe is hostile to whites. In the battle against whites they always win. The first defeat occurred in 1886.
Apache tribe formerly lived in southwestern Mexico and southeastern Arizona. More recently, they moved from north to south America. This tribe is composed of several major groups, which are Mescalero, Mogollon, Coyotero, Arivaipa, Naisha, Tchishi, Faraone, Lanero, Gileno, Chiricahua, Mimbreno, and Tchikun. Currently the population of this tribe are left just as much of 11,000 spread across Oklahoma, Arizona, and New Mexico.
Apache is a ninja of America. They would sneak up behind an enemy and kill the enemy without the enemy realizing presence.
They used primitive weapons made mostly of wood and bone. They are also the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen and is pretty good with the tomahawk and throwing ax. They terrorize the Southwestern United States, even the military had trouble beating them.
> Apache Tribal Ritual
Then on the day of the ritual performed, chairman of the tribe will associate their breasts with 2 wooden sticks and tied with two ropes then hang it on the ceiling of the tent and not screaming or crying are allowed until the young man was unconscious.
After tribal elders convinced that the young man was unconscious, then the young man in the release of the latch buffer.
Satere Mawe - Amazon
Deep in the Amazon jungle there is an interesting side of the ritual of manhood Satere-Mawe tribe. The youth of Satere-Mawe tribe should have their hands in "gloves" made of wicker filled with bullet ants (bullet ant) to reach maturity.
And it was done for about 10 minutes without shouting and be done for many times, and even can reach 20 times. Ants put on gloves made of woven plant, with fangs sting leads into.

According to "schmidt sting pain index" from amazon famous bullet ant has the most painful sting of all ants other types that exist throughout the world. The skin will burn if exposed to the ants and the sting of the pain will last for 24 hours.
Sioux tribe is one American Indian tribe in the past known as tribal hunters violent and warlike. Sioux tribal settlements scattered in the states of Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Sioux tribe live in the tents of animal skin called the tepee. Men gain status by demonstrating prowess in war. Horse and human scalp obtained in the raid is proof of courage. The tribe is a firm believer in the power of magic, and a quack occupies an important position in society.
Today the Sioux Indian tribe numbered about 40 thousand inhabitants, half of whom live in areas Indian reservation in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Nebraska. The other half is to blend into the major American cities.