Dayak are indigenous tribes of Borneo live in groups living in the interior, on the mountain, and so on. Dayak word itself is given by the Malays who came to Borneo. The people themselves are mind wearing Dayak name, because more defined rather negative. In fact, the motto of the Dayak is "Mamut Ueh Menteng", which means someone who has the power of courage, and know not to give up or persist.

               Tiwah funeral ceremony is usually held on a person who has been dead and buried for so long until the remains of her body were expected only a bone alone.

               Ritual tiwah aims to correct journey as ritual spirit or soul is concerned towards Lewu Tatau (Heaven - in English Sangiang) that can live in peace and peace in the power of nature. In addition, the Dayak Kalimantan tiwah also intended as a procession of people in Central Kalimantan Dayak tribe to release Rutas or bad luck for the family of the deceased who left the negative effects that hit.

             For the Dayak tribes, a process needs to be continued with the rituals of death advanced (completion) so as not to interfere with the comfort and tranquility of the living. Furthermore, tiwah also berujuan for untied widow or widower status for married couples. Post tiwah, they are customarily allowed for to determine the subsequent spouse or still choose not to marry again.

                The highlight of this tiwah itself will include the bones unearthed from the tomb and has been purified through a special ritual into stumbling. However, thd first event held earlier penombakan sacrificial animals, buffaloes, cows, and pigs.

Primitive TRIBE

                    Of the total of the Dayak, the Punan is the most retarded both the culture and their lives. In general, they are somewhat primitive by living in caves tributaries and others. They also did not know the nice clothes and the development of civilization. Even stranger than life Punan are generally they are afraid and are allergic to soap. I do not know why no one knows for sure.

                    This primitive life circumstances brought them always move to move from one place to another place and kept away from other human groups. In their belief ancestors who so ordains. With such a lot given signs were among the dead. Once buried, they simultaneously move towards other areas. They believed that the spirit of the dead would haunt them will not feel secure. Residents are also called Punan nomads and residents living in a group without split apart.

                    They are also pleased with the food like vegetables raw forest from trees Nibung or appeal (dala terrace). Similarly, the fern leaves, or pumpkin forests that are widely available. On rice is not really necessary for them. Their main food is umbut umbutan bulbs and forests, coupled with bushmeat they find. For even this rare meat they cook. If any game that they prefer to get the meat to dry in the hot sun so be pickled meat or jerky.